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Weather and Bankers



Weather and Bankers

Written By: Muhammad Atif Rana


Weather is the richest topic for the poets, writers and keen observers. It directly interferes on the man’s behavior and health. Actually weather decides how to cook in daily meals. When we observe that there is cloudy or rainy we unconsciously desire to have traditionally cooked Pakoras and Samosas, if other things remaining the same (it depends on the behavior of the spouse). Most the poets tell the various verses on weather and heart. They relate the weather with the hearth. Most of the people agree from the famous quotation if your internal weather is charming then you like the external weather too, and if your internal state is not good then you don’t feel the external climate.

There is found a creature in our society that has no impact of weather in their lives. That creature called the Bankers. I have directly close interaction with some of my banker’s friends. And keenly observe their behavior. They are less social and less respondent from the circumstances outside the banking premises. And I often think they might be reacting like humans. But, the fact is remaining sound that they have more responsibility and no chance of omission. And there first error maybe caused the last error. The fact is that the bosses demand the professional ethics and full commands on the issues related to the banking affairs. I have very soft corner for bankers that they are only the employees who work in such pressure and tense. And they always welcome the clients in the smiling face and strive to facilitate people with good aptitude.

It is also the fact that most of the esteemed banking organization and such other departments that are directly related with the financial activities are managing their employees for the recreational tours — at least once in the year. That provides them the opportunity to come back in the normal life. On the other hand employer ensures the healthy environment within the banking premises to provide the healthy working environment. That makes positive signs and working condition. Employer tries to provide the remedy and compensation to some other ways to the bankers like bonuses and awards.

However, bankers are the useful members of the society. They have families and social interaction too. They have complete right to spend their life as the social human. And I have the sympathy for the bankers. People should also understand the problems of the bankers too and behave them in good manners.

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