After the first promo of The Lion King that featured Shah Rukh Khan’s voice for Mufasa, the makers have now dropped the second teaser featuring voice-over by Aryan Khan as Simba.
Proud father Shah Rukh Khan shared the Lion King promo, writing, “Mera Simba.”
In the trailer, Aryan Khan can be heard saying Simba’s iconic lines in Hindi, ”Main Hoon Simba, Mufasa Ka Beta.”
In the promo, glimpses of Simba can be seen talking about his father’s influence and that he has to fight for his people. Listening to Aryan’s voice left everyone in awe as he sounds exactly like Shah Rukh Khan—not just the voice but the emotions as well.
Meanwhile, Karan Johar was among the first to comment: “Pardon my excitement! But Aryan is the first born in our family!!! And even just hearing his voice has made me so so excited !!!!! And without a bias he sounds amazing!!!!!”