Prince Harry, who is tipped to make an appearance on stage at the 2022 Oscars, has been lauded by Netflix documentary makers for his ‘love and dedication’ to Afghanistan as he promoted their film “Three Songs for Benazir.”
The Duke of Sussex spoke with Elizabeth and Gulistan Mirzaei about their film.
In a screengrab of the conversation shared to Twitter, the filmmakers wrote: ‘Last week, we had the honor and privilege to speak with Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex about our film “Three Songs for Benazir”.
‘Prince Harry’s love, and dedication to Afghanistan is truly inspiring and we are so grateful to have had the opportunity to share our story with him.’
Although the video of the discussion doesn’t appear to be available online as yet, it’s unclear what Prince Harry’s involvement with the film is, or whether the conversation was purely for promotional reasons.
The royal, who served two tours in Afghanistan during his decade in the Army, signed a reputed £120million deal with Netflix in 2020.
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have been facing since it reported that the couple my make a special guest appearance at Oscars this year.