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Essence of human rights



By: Waleed Saleem 

Human Rights are rights for every human, regardless of race, sex, nationality, ethnicity, religion, language or any other status. Human rights include the right to life and liberty, freedom from slavery and torture, freedom of opinion and expression, the right to work and education, and many more. Human rights are actually those rights which an individual want in his/her daily life. This is the same as “Treat other like you want to be treated”. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is a milestone document. The UDHR has been translated into more than 501 languages – the most translated file in the world. There are some articles in Pakistan according to Human Rights given below:

Article 11. Slavery, forced labor, etc. prohibited.

Article 12. Protection against retrospective punishment.

Article 13. Protection against double punishment and self-incrimination.

Article 14. Inviolability of dignity of man, etc.

Article 15. Freedom of movement, etc.

Article 16. Freedom of assembly.

Article 17. Freedom of association:

Article 18. Freedom of trade, business or profession.

The Man Rights Council, established on 15 March 2006 by the General Meeting place. The most innovative feature of the Human Rights Council is the Universal Periodic Brush-up. This unique mechanism involves a review of the human rights records of all 192 UN member body politic once every four years. The Reassessment is a cooperative , state-crusade procedure , under the auspices of the Council, which provides the opportunity for each state to present measures taken and challenges to be sports meeting to improve the human rights situation in their country and to meet their international obligations. The Review is designed to ensure universality and equality of treatment for every country.

The right to life

The right to liberty and freedom

The right to the pursuit of happiness

The right to live your life free of discrimination

The right to be free from cruel and unusual punishment

The right to be free from torture

The right to be free from slavery

The right to freedom of speech

The right to freedom of thought

  1. Poverty and global inequities
  2. Discrimination
  3. Armed conflict and violence
  4. Impunity
  5. Democracy deficits
  6. Weak institutions

There is a growing fearfulness amongst the human being rights advocates that there may be too many human right laws with too little message . Though some of the average contained in human rights instruments have become contribution of customary international law or have attained the position of norm, others require both hard component (to be of binding value) and an effective institutional mechanism to be of value. There is a need to integrate the fragmented body of origination and consequent overlaps in their functions. The deficiency of a world court of justice for man right wing leaves us with the subject and regional courts for the justiciability of homo rights provisions. However, there is still a need for forums in some regions, such as an Asian Court for Human Right hand, as well as to promote access code to justice through strengthening the national court scheme of rules. At the International story, the individual complaint system of pact sound box is the only effective mechanism for dispute result for mortal or non-state role player.

We can protect human rights by different ways:

By protecting religious minorities, by protecting Women’s Right.

Pakistan has a dual system of civil and sharia law. The Constitution of Pakistan recognizes equality between men and women “There shall be no discrimination on the basis of sex”) but also recognizes as valid Sharia law Federal Shariat Court. Violence against women and girls including rape, “honor” killings, acid attacks, domestic violence, and forced marriage remains a serious problem because of a combination of poor laws and poor enforcement of existing laws. On June 2002, Mukhtaran Bibi was gang raped on the orders of a tribal council and paraded naked in front of a cheering crowd of 300 people. After nearly a decade after the incident 5 of the 6 accused of gang raping her were acquitted while the sixth faces life in prison. She continues to face widespread discrimination in Pakistan and has been subject to house arrest, illegal detention and harassment from the government and law enforcement agencies.

Restore Human Rights ministry.

Human Rights Watch noted with alarm your government’s decision to abolish the federal Ministry of Human Rights. The abolition of the ministry is likely to harm government efforts to promote and protect human rights and will result in human rights concerns being side-lined in government decision-making. Governments must take positive action to facilitate the enjoyment of basic human rights. For example, governments can: Provide free, high-quality public education. Create a public defender system so that everyone has access to a lawyer. Ensure everyone has access to food by funding public assistance programs. Fund a public education campaign on the right to vote. As our Prime Minister Imran Khan provided shelters to poor people.

In May 2012, President Asif Ali Zardari signed the National Commission for Human Rights Bill 2012 for the promotion of the protection of human rights in the country. However, it remains to be seen if any positive effects will be derived from this. In May 2018, a new constitutional amendment was passed that allowed tribal people to access their rights. The amendment allowed the people in tribal areas to enjoy the same constitutional rights as other Pakistanis. The constitutional amendment ended the Frontier Crimes Regulation (FCR), imposed under British rule in the 1850s. Under the FCR, people in the tribal areas were explicitly denied their right to appeal their detention, the right to legal representation, and their right to present evidence in their defense sanctioning a wide-ranging series of human rights violations.

Duties of Human right Commission of Pakistan. To promote studies in the field of human rights and mobilize public opinion in favor of accepted norms through all available media and forums, and to carry out every category of activity to further the cause; To cooperate with and aid national and international groups, organizations and individuals engaged in the promotion of human rights and to participate in meetings and congresses on human rights at home and abroad; to take appropriate action to prevent violations of human rights and to provide legal aid and other assistance to victims of those violations.


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