Finance Minister Asad Umar announced a Rs2 decrease in the prices of petrol and diesel on Friday. Umar, while addressing a press conference in Islamabad, explained...
The rupee on Friday morning which depreciated by a record 8.21 per cent to Rs145 against the dollar in the inter-bank market, regained Rs10 later on...
The US dollar hit an all-time high of Rs144 in the interbank market on Friday. The greenback gained by Rs8 (a five percent increase) to touch...
National Disaster Risk Management Fund (NDRMF) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Lt Gen ® Nadeem Ahmed said Pakistan’s economy is incapable to cope with any major disasters...
Finance Minister Asad Umer on Thursday said that the government has ascertained direction of country’s economy in first 100 days of the government. Manifesto of Pakistan...
Finance Minister Asad Umar said on Wednesday that Pakistan wasn’t in a hurry for a package from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). “We still want to...
The Senate’s Standing Committee on Interior has approved a Bill seeking prohibition of interest on private loans in the Islamabad Capital Territory. A meeting of the...
State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) has ordered all financial institutions to fire all C-level executives of the top management and board of directors, who have been...
BankIslami on Monday announced via press release that its payment system had been successfully restored and was “absolutely secured”. The statement added that all of the...
Corporate profitability was on the rise these past nine-months (Jan-Sept 2018) as revealed by the just concluded autumn financial results reporting season. The profit after tax...